Women and religion

Women and religion

women and religion role of women in religion

                           Women and Religion

This article will speak about the role of women in religion and how it is indispensable.

What is Religion?

Religion is the starting of the every culture in the world. It is a worldwide institution for every society, there is no society without the religion and it might mean different to the different societies and people, but the faith is a common belief in every religion and can be known as a concept which is being passed from generation to generation. In today’s time, Religion can never be removed from the world as it gives the people a reason to believe and a purpose to live.

Religion and followers

Religion is a belief known for shaping the human destiny by doing different practices. The followers must follow the belief and the religion obediently. It can make a person better and it can even harm the world, it can create violence between the communities as well as the women of their own communities. Religion is grouped in different sectors by the people, such as religion and spirituality, religion and politics, religion and philosophy.

Women and their role

The women in the world have now achieved many things, travelled to moon, women were elected as representatives , they have won every kind of nobel prize, but still the women have not taken a front seat in the religion. But, the role of women in the society and religion was very different from present to past. Most religion shows and teaches that the men are superior and over women.

Men and women in religion

Men are always thought as the dominating and transmitters of the divine messages, where as women have always been the obedient receivers of the teachings and rituals of god. In today’s world, the women are suffering the consequences due to the politics of religions .

In some religions, women are still restricted to  please the god in the way only men can do. The world has changed regarding the equality of women but they are expecting the same in the matter of religion.

Women’s role in different religions

1) Women’s role in Hinduism – Hinduism is a religion mainly dominated by men where the women play secondary role. The women play different roles in Hinduism. The women has to play a role of a mother, a wife to her husband and to take care of her family. Women should talk to their husband with respect. 

Hindu Goddess and Women

As, we pray to Hindu goddess who is meant to be the creation of the life, it is easy to understand that Hinduism portrays women superior than god. But, irrespective of everything the importance of women have been diminished by time due to the inequality aspects between men and women. Hindus worship the women deities , they are expected to respect the women. Men are expected not to harass women, instead they are expected to take care of her till the end and protect her.

2) Women’s role in Jainism- Jainism is known for the religion of equality. It gives all the equal rights to every living being, so it is clearly known that women play an important role in their community and society. In  Jainism, women are equal to men. Jain women have got the position of nuns and laywomen in the society.

3) Women’s role in Sikhism- Women and men are treated as the two sides of the coin. According to Sikhism, a men does not live his complete life and it is the women who completes and keeps the race going in the world. Everyone respects the women in their religion.

4) Women’s role in Buddhism- The role of women in Buddhism is independent. Buddha was the first leader to give this status to the women, where the women could participate in the religious activities and prayers. Before Buddha, women were not allowed to do such, the women had to work only in the kitchen and take care of their house.

Many people stood against Buddha, when he started supporting women.  But, Buddha gave a chance to women to help upright and prove themselves. He was able to prove that not only men are wise, but women are too.

Women in religion and leadership 

Women were treated equal to men. They were respected but following restrictions too. But, as the time passed by, the women have fought to gain the same position in religious and leadership roles. The women have contributed a large part of their life in the making of society. Women are now gaining respect and status in political and religion aspects. They are enjoying the equal status as of men. As, they are able to enjoy the equal status as of men, they are open to more opportunities in the public life and  are able to grow more. They have learnt more and fought and stood for themselves. 


Women were not treated equally almost in all the religions, but over the time the status of women have gradually changed. Be it political aspect or a regional aspect. Women have gained a status equal to men.

Women of different religions

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